Bluetooth Chat will help you to send short messages and images using Bluetooth technology. You can chat with your friends if you are in the Bluetooth range and don't have access to the Internet.
It will be helpful for students if there is no Wi-Fi in your school, for travelers to chat between tents in mountains, and in many others cases.
Your friends don't have an Internet connection to install this app? You can easily share an .apk file of the app via Bluetooth!
Bluetooth Chat is fully open-source:
You can help to localize Bluetooth Chat to your language:
Bluetooth Chat akan membantu Anda untuk mengirim pesan singkat dan gambar menggunakan teknologi Bluetooth. Anda dapat chatting dengan teman-teman Anda jika Anda berada di kisaran Bluetooth dan tidak memiliki akses ke Internet.
Ini akan sangat membantu bagi siswa jika tidak ada Wi-Fi di sekolah Anda, bagi wisatawan untuk chatting antara tenda-tenda di pegunungan, dan dalam banyak kasus lain.
Teman-teman Anda tidak memiliki koneksi Internet untuk menginstal aplikasi ini? Anda dapat dengan mudah berbagi file APK dari aplikasi melalui Bluetooth!
Bluetooth Chat sepenuhnya open-source:
Anda dapat membantu untuk melokalisasi Bluetooth Chat untuk bahasa Anda:
Bluetooth Chat will help you to send short messages and images using Bluetooth technology. You can chat with your friends if you are in the Bluetooth range and don't have access to the Internet.
It will be helpful for students if there is no Wi-Fi in your school, for travelers to chat between tents in mountains, and in many others cases.
Your friends don't have an Internet connection to install this app? You can easily share an .apk file of the app via Bluetooth!
Bluetooth Chat is fully open-source:
You can help to localize Bluetooth Chat to your language: